Monday, October 04, 2021

Tips for TI4: The Naaz-Rokha Alliance

 When reading about them I didn't think they were that much to go off on. I went on to win with them the first time playing the expansion. 

They are masters of exploration. They pull 2 cards from the research deck whenever they explore a new planet. Their mechs can fight in space (not just on the planet) And most importantly, it only takes 2 shards (instead of three) to gain a relic. This was awesome. 

With my Commander unlocked I could re-explore any previous explored planet when I gained it from another player. The Hero allows you to take advantage of 2 secondary abilities of any unplayed Initiative cards AND allows you to gain another RELIC!!!

I lied earlier, because now that I remember I had 4 relics in the game (double the average in a game) when I played as this race. To my knowledge besides the Empyrean they are the only other race in which exploration is their power. 

And you can win by constantly exploring planets and gaining the bonuses that come out of it. It's a slow burn as first but by the end of the game I was able to pull away with a small lead in the end. 

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