Tuesday, October 05, 2021

Tips for TI4: The Clan of Saar

 Another unique race in the game that has an ability like no other. It's the only race that can continue to achieve objectives even without it's home world. 

Their factories are also the only ones in the game that are mobile and they gain a trade good for each planet they take over. I've won the game with them due to this. 

Commanders allow fighter and infantry to automatically go to any of your space docks when produced and your Hero completely obliterates anyone next to one of his space docks. 

In one word: Brutal

This is such a great race to play because you don't have to constantly guard your home planet. It doesn't matter. Plus, moving your Space Docks is probably the most powerful ability you have. I've never used the Hero's ability but it's a no brainer you would use it against Mecatol Rex or someone's home planet. 

Funny thing is, of everyone who's played this race, NONE have let it slip out what they're hero can do. They like to keep it as a secret weapon. It's become an unspoken code between players who have been that race before never to mention it to another. But with a movable space dock, forces are readily available to you, just about wherever you go. And that's why it's easy to win with this group.   

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