Wednesday, October 27, 2021

TI4 Tips: Relics

 The expansion brings in the aspect of fragments. Collect 3 and turn them in for a power card called a relic. 

It's a great red herring in the game. Should you get it? 

Sure. If you have the time. 

But don't make this the focus of your game. I see people skipping over planets of a certain color because they're searching for one last shard to possess a Relic. It's a dumb move but it fools a lot of players into losing their focus on the game. 

Like I said, I collect them, trade them if necessary and eventually am able to get one during the game but don't obsess with getting more. Sure they have great powers but gaining them is where precious time could be wasted for achieving other directives. 

I don't think you need a relic to win the game. 

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