Monday, November 05, 2018

BBC The Silver Chair (Review)

The last movie BBC put out from The Chronicles of Narnia series was The Silver Chair. This is the one I has seen the least times due to it not being available to rent at the library growing up.

I think I've only seen it twice and watching it this last time I was more impressed with the special effects than I've ever been! Specifically speaking, when they encounter the giants. Really impressive special effects (for the time) to make everything believable.

Puddleglum is a fantastic character and really steals the show. The White Witch now plays the evil Lady Green and again Barbara Kellerman (the actress) shows her strong acting chops to deliver a completely different evil character. It's amazing! Meanwhile, Warwick Davis plays a side character and is easily recognizable by his voice and lack of character.

Overall this was really enjoyable to watch again.

The sad news is that there isn't much background information on how and why these were made. No behind the scenes interviews from cast or crew which puzzles me because you'd think someone would've conducted one by now right?

Anyway, good stuff overall. Glad I watched them again.

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