Tuesday, November 06, 2018

3 Musketeers Novel (review)

After watching the movie I had to read the 720 page novel again. It's been nearly 20 years since I last read it as a kid and even that was the abridged version (My Mom tells me) So I didn't remember much of it.

What a fantastic novel! Odd too for a few reasons:

A) the 3 Musketeers are only in about %60 of the novel....maybe less. Dartanian and other side characters spend almost as much time in the spotlight at Athos, Arimas and Porthos!

B) The novel doesn't have just one story arc but a rambling series of adventures that flow together into one long story.

It's not bad at all, but very different from what I expected and VERY different from the Disney movie. (though that was to be expected)

Overall I enjoyed the novel thoroughly and am glad I made the time to read it!

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