Monday, November 12, 2018

2018 Top 100 Vintage Games of all time! (#100-91)

Time to look at my updated list, predict where it'll fall in 2019 and look back at my 2017 predictions to see what I got right!

Let's begin!

 #100 Pizza Party

It dropped a lot this year (even more in my updated list) but that's because it's a very simple game that doesn't get played as much. Lots of good memories but that won't save it from falling off the list the moment another game enters my collection. I think this'll be its final appearance on my list.
 #99 Flintstones

One of Megan's games that just squeaked on to the list. Though it may not make it next year either due to what I said last week about those other games in which a rule change would add it to my list. If that happens, I think this one's a goner too.

 #98 Return of the Jedi: Battle at the Sarlacc Pit

Another game that's enjoying its sole appearance on to the list. There just isn't enough to keep it on in 2019 so I'm predicting it falls off like a lot of them so low on the list this year.

 #97 The Sinking of the Titanic

This was a game I totally forgot to add to my list for this year! Simple game with an interesting mechanic (the ship board can "sink" into the the regular board due to a slit in the board, like a vinyl record) That and the "controversial" theme forced the publisher to change the name of the game to "Abandon Ship" making this copy slightly more expensive to collectors.

It's a nice game but since it's so low on the list, I'm doubtful it'll remain in 2019.
 #96 Crash Canyon

Big drop in the ranking since 2018, I'm curious to see whether it can hold on in 2019. I'm going to say it does but right at #100. Nice looking game but not much to it.

 #95 Dukes of Hazzard Card Game

To be honest, if it doesn't get played this year, it's off the list in 2019. One of the few games Megan has that made it my list. I think Megan would rather play the board game instead though, so this one might drop off next year.

 #94 Othello

A classic game that's hit my table this year but if I don't play it next year it'll drop from the list in all likelihood.
 #93 Cap'n Crunch

Eek, this is a unique game based on a cereal but it's not that good. I'm not sure whether that's enough to have it hold on to the list. It'l never leave my collection but it may drop off the list in 2019.

 #92 Chopper Strike

I like the game. Problem is it's 2 players which means it won't get played much. This may take it off the list in 2019 if enough games get added to the list.

#91 Dragon Strike

Megan's family is the main reason this is still on the list. But if they tire of it, this game'll drop completely off. However, if it makes it to the table has a chance at holding on. Guess we'll see in 2019!

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