Thursday, November 15, 2018

2018 Top 100 Vintage Games of all time! (#70-61)

 #70 Murder She Wrote

First time I played it, I was shocked at how brilliant it was, but on the last time I played it, I found a flaw. If whoever's the killer doesn't kill for a while the game goes on FOREVER, which is not fun. So it may fall more in 2019 unless I have a different experience the next time I bring it out.

 #69 Indiana Jones DVD Adventure Game

This one could catapult up my list if my latest ideas for rule changes work. The game looks great and has a lot of potential to be even better with my idea for rules replaces the DVD dependency for the game. If successful, I wouldn't be surprised if this game shoots up 20 spots in 2019!

 #68 Sabacc

I saw Hasbro put out a version of the game this year but I don't think I'll get it because they changed the rules up a little too much for my liking. Though I admit it looks nice. But without the "special" cards in the deck it doesn't feel like Sabacc to me! That being said, this game may drop a lot on the list if it goes another year without hitting the table.

 #67 Chicken Out

Fast simple fun game. It'll drop a few spots next year I imagine but not too much. This bluffing game is more fun than it looks!

 #66 Polar Dare

Another quick and easy game I see dropping a little more each year if only due to its simplicity. Other than that, it's a fine game.

 #65 The American Dream

Super fun game, but where it lands on the list next year is up to Megan who expressed interest in playing it with me next time. If she does, this one moves up, if she doesn't it'll drop....but not by much.
 #64 Go For It

80s game if there ever was one. It may fall a little since I think my nephews are getting a little bored with it but it'll stay on the list for sure.

 #63 Dead Stop

A great 2 player game but it's hard to get to the table. For that reason it'll drop again in 2019 but I hope it doesn't fall too much.

 #62 Rummikub

This game's in trouble. It free falled on my list this year and could do it again if I don't get it to the table.
#61 Conspiracy

Hard to get this gem to the table but when I do I enjoy it every time! That being said, I think it'll drop a few more spots in 2019 but stay in the 60s.

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