Wednesday, November 14, 2018

2018 Top 100 Vintage Games of all time! (#80-71)

 #80 Life

This game gets played once a year and as long as that happens it'll stay on the list. Though in 2019, I think it'll drop a little once again.

 #79 Where's the Beef?

Unique unofficial game of Wendy's, this is roll and move meets memory. Fun but I think it will also drop a little on the list in 2019.

 #78 Pie Face

It fell again on the list but only because it didn't get played. Depends on what happens next year whether it moves up or down in 2019. So I'm going to say it'll hold around this ranking next year. (low 70s high 80s)
 #77 Shirt Tales Card Game

Fun card game but don't know who would want to play it outside of my nephews who are getting older each year. So I'm going to say it falls a little next year on the list.

 #76 Chipmunks Go to Hollywood

One of Megan's games that came as a surprise to me when we first played it. If this falls on my list it'll only be due to newer games being added.

 #75 Dukes of Hazzard

Megan's favorite game to play. I enjoy it too but I think it may drop into the 80s come 2019. Especially if Megan doesn't want to play it anymore.

 #74 Labyrinth

Fun game with a moving maze. It'll fall little on the list but continue to hit the table like it always does. 
 #73 Tank Battle

Such a fun game. It didn't get played (due to being only for 2 players) but if it drops next year it won't be that much.
 #72 Ewoks Save the Trees

There's no way this one makes it any higher on the list. I love it but right now Megan's the only one who'll play it with me. I think it'll drop a little on the list but remain in the 70s.

#71 Forbidden Bridge

Another game that'll drop a few spots in 2019. It's fun but I think it takes longer to set up the game than play it. (which is never good)

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