Wednesday, November 03, 2021

TI4 Tips: Flagships and Carriers


In most cases, yes. It's worth getting. Each one is different depending on the species represented and it does show a heavy presence. But do you need it to win? No. 

I've gone many game without even bothering to get it. The cost is high and unless I'm a warrior race, I'm better off spending my resources elsewhere. 


A must. They suck in battle but that's not their purpose. They carry your troops around to invade and discover new planets. I try to get as many on the board as I can in the beginning of the game. Spreading out your empire is essential in building the resources and influence to your success. 

Everyone starts with one, but trust me. Pile on and go forth into the unknown, conquering as much as you can before the galaxy is completely carved up among the players. 

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