Thursday, November 18, 2021

Alphabet Board Games: L


Long Shot

It never fails when this is brought out on the table EVERYONE has a good time. Though horses barely move more than a few spaces per turn the action is intense as you're buying or betting on horses to win as well as play cards to help out your odds. 

The game's smart too. because it doesn't matter if you own the horse that matters how much someone bet on it to win instead. I love that. 

I won a game once where NONE of my horse places. But of the 3 that did? I had the most money bet on each one. It was a landslide victory. 

Even though there's no difference in the dice that move the horses, everyone (including myself) have their own superstition on who they should buy and bet on first. For me? It's always the first horse I roll on the die who gets picked. No matter what. 

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