Thursday, January 17, 2019

Top 100 (2019 predictions) #90-81

 #90 Ghost Fightn' Treasure Hunters

Another fun COOP game that will be hard to get to the table with my group. For that reason, it drops from my list this year I bet.
 #89 Black Fleet

From #19 to #45 and now #89. I hate any game that moves down my list like that but Francis Drake is killing this one for me. If it wasn't for my gaming group requesting this one, it wouldn't make it to my table as much.
 #88 Shakespeare

#49 last year, this one dropped a lot. The problem with this game is as I said in the video, AP. And that could boot it off the list completely this year unless something changes.

 #87 Pandemic

Could this be the year the game drops off my list!? #62 last year and #22 the year before that so it's not looking good for this awesome COOP game. If I had to guess, I think it dips under #100 but who knows, maybe it can survive another wave of new games for this year.
 #86 Abandon Ship

It was #71 last year, so it slipped a few spots and I'm not sure it'll be on the list this year due to more games being added. Doesn't mean it's a bad game, I enjoy dice drafting and this game carries that mechanic well.
 #85 Arkadia

Really depends how much table time it gets this year. I like the game but feel it'll slip completely under 100 unless it catches on with my gaming group.
 #84 Zombies!!!

#61 last year and incredibly enough #9 the year before that! This game keeps falling mainly because of how awful a company Twilight Creations Inc is. The only thing saving this game from falling off my list will be an expansion. But knowing Twilight Creations, I'm not sure they could pull it off.
 #83 Snow Tails

It hovered around #47 then dropped to #51 so I never imagined the game hitting this low and that has me worried. Formula D still reigns supreme as far as racing games are concerned but with the right amount of play time I believe this one can hang on to the list another year. 
 #82 Burger Boss

This one's staying on the list and only drops due to newer games being added. LOVE this game about making burgers. Can't wait to play it more this year.
#81 Toledo

Mayfair hit a homerun for me with this game. I believe it'll drop lower to make room for newer games but this one will stay on the list as well.

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