Monday, January 21, 2019

Top 100 (2019 predictions) #70-61

 #70 Expedition Northwest Passage

I've said it before but this has got to be one of the prettiest board games I own! But that darn problem with AP really hurt its previous ranking of #41. I think that issue will continue and this game could be threatened to fall completely off the Top 100 if that were the case.

 #69 Conquest of the Empire and Blood Feud in New York

I combined them this year because I felt they were too similar games with different themes. They also continue to free fall on my list from one year to the next. They went from #37 and #38 respectfully on the previous list. But in 2016 they used to be #13 and #14! Good news for these game however is they qualify for the Vintage list next year so I may move them both over there if their numbers plummet once again this year.
 #68 El Gacho

Something tells me this game my wrassle its way up the list this year if not too many games get added. I feel dice drafting will be its saving grace since it's one of my favorite mechanisms at the moment.
 #67 Robo Rally

Even though it dropped a little from #63 the year before I still feel this one could move up because the more I play it the more I enjoy it. Either way I predict it doesn't move from the 60s on my next list.

 #66 Dinosaur Island

The new expansion will be the deciding factor for me on whether this game moves up or down on my next list. This is Jurassic Park, the game. It's so much fun to play and so far isn't getting old.

 #65 Porta Nigra

#58 in 2017 it only dropped due to new games coming in. I predict the same this will happen again this year but that won't stop me from bringing this one to the table. So much fun to play!

 #64 Hamburgum

#55 last time, this rondel game is so awesome because it's based off true historic events! The quality of the pieces are nice too. But as rondel based games go, this is the weakest of the bunch for me, so even though I'm sure to play this many times of the course of the year, it will drop slightly yet again in 2019.

 #63 The Adventurers

Both these games are super fun to play! Last time they ranked at #44 last time and #41 the time before that. They're both great games but I think the influx of new games into my collection are the main reason they never move up.

That being said I'm calling another short slide on my list this year but not as much a drop as the year before.

 #62 Police Precinct

This game keeps falling on the list for its only crime of being a COOP game I can't get to the table. #34 and #23 the year before that, this one's going to hurdle down even more spots but remain on my list...due to it being TOTALLY AWESOME!
#61 Conquest of Nerath

I'm torn on this one. A great game but I feel its peeked on my list. It almost qualifies for a vintage game (in 2020) so if it falls too bad on the list, I may switch it over there. BEAUTIFUL looking game however! Easy to play with families too.

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