Wednesday, January 02, 2019

New Year's Resolutions!

Oh man! Here we go, goals for 2019....

1) De-clutter the house

I made BIG steps in 2018, getting rid of multiple bags of clothes and freeing up plenty of space in my closets and drawers. I also de-cluttered both the outside and inside closets. Making more room for other things. With twins on the way, I've got to eliminate an entire guest room now! I plan on putting some of my attic space to use to get the job done. After that, I'll have to make a few hard decisions on where everything'll go, but I'm positive I can get the job done.

2) Prep for parenting

In only a few short months, I'll be a daddy. That means more responsibility and savings than ever before! I'll have to learn how to feed, change, rock and treat the babies. Something I haven't had much practice on before. But this is a challenge I'm looking forward to doing.

3) Pay down debt

My brother's pretty smart paying down his mortgage each month by making principle payments. I've been doing the same but not at the extreme he has so starting this month I'm stepping up my game because it would be awesome to have the house paid off before my kids hit 10. I could probably pay it off sooner if I really tried. That would be AMAZING and my goal is to at least take a couple of months off the loan this year to get a head start!

4) Direct another Dinner Theatre

This one's going to be hard. Either I do it right before the babies are born or towards the end of the year. But if I have babies by then, I may not get the chance. I'm adding it anyway since this is one that may be a stretch.

5) Continue to improve my career at work.

I'm playing "life" on the hardest level now that I have kids coming, which means I need to push myself even harder to excel. I made great strides in 2018 now it's up to me to raise that bar once again!

Motivated? Good! Start making your own goals and I'll see you in December to discuss how they went!

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