Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Not Top 100 (#116-#101)

As a special note, I just realized my list has changed since I last wrote this post. It was supposed to come out the same time as my YouTube videos, but I just realized I have the dates off! Use, YouTube as the authoritative list and this one as a forethought. 

Ok, let's look at some that were even closer to missing out on my list for 2018!

 #116 Mice and Mystics (2017 - #65)

Let me be clear, I LOVE this game! But now that I finished all the scenarios I didn't play it at all this year. Such a great dungeon crawl that sadly my nephews won't ever play because I introduced them to Descent first.

And since Descent has a million scenarios in it, I don't think I'll be playing this one again until my kids are old enough to play. What a shame!
 #115 Biblios (2017 - #69)

Another game to drop out of my Top 100 and that's mainly because I love the dice version so much better. I'll still play this game but I doubt it'll ever make it into my Top 100 ever again.

 #114 Surf's Up Dude! (NEW)

Awesome surfing game! Simple to teach fun to play. Though not enough "game" in the box to make it into my Top 100 which is sad because I love the unique theme as well! It's a keeper on my shelf though and that's good enough!

 #113 Coconuts (NEW)

It's hurting a little worse now...

This game is GREAT. We play it a lot. My gaming group loves it. But again, not good enough to make the Top 100 and I hate that.

 #112 Monster Crunch (NEW)

I got this game because I like monster cereals. I never knew it would be so good! I was really surprised on this one. My gaming group loves it too but I doubt it'll be enough to pull on to the list. Lovely game!
 #111 Garbage Day (NEW)

Another game that surprised me. It gets requested all the time by my gaming group and nephews. So simple and yet SO much fun! It had a chance to make it to the list next year if it stays this popular.

 #110 Santiago de Cuba (NEW)

It's a really good game but not good enough to ever gain a spot on my list. With our house rule on hoarding the game really plays smoothly. If it weren't for that, I wouldn't even have this in my collection.
 #109 Temple Run (2017 - #78; 2016 - #27)

Oh how the mighty have fallen. Ever since I stopped playing the app version of this game, did it start sinking until it finally made it off the list. I thought last year it would retain a spot but alas it came up short!

Wild because this is one of the few games the Mrs will still play with me. (though mainly because she always wins) I love the game but like I said, without playing the app it's not in my mind as much as it used to be.

I don't see this one ever coming back into the Top 100.

 #108 Sunken City (NEW)

Oh man! I hate this one didn't get in. Super fun game of moving around Atlantis, collecting treasure. A whole lot of fun but wasn't able to hit the table as much and missed the list. I would say it has a chance but with new games hitting my collection every year, I'm afraid it won't.

 #107 Grimm Forest (NEW)

The first Kickstarter to arrive at my doorstep in 2018. It also carries some of the nicest inserts and pieces to a game I've ever seen but all that wasn't enough to secure a spot on my Top 100. Though with more plays I could see it making the jump. It all depends on how often we play it this year.

 #106 Dairyman (NEW)

One of the first games I purchased at the beginning of the year and I thought for sure this push-your-luck dice game would make it but it came up short. It could climb in this year and make it to the list if played more.
 #105 Smugglers (2017 - #83)

My gaming group would kill me if they saw how low I ranked this game in my collection. Another favorite of my group that just missed out on getting into the Top 100. I love the game as well but don't see it ever coming back to the list.
 #104 Commissioned (2017 - #27)

The game that fell the hardest off my list. Problems I mentioned last year were the cause. My gaming group doesn't like COOP's that much and Megan stopped playing the game with me, which turned out to be the death nail.

I still have hopes of this game bouncing back into my list if I can find the right group to play with. I still say it's one of the best coop's around with that unique dice roll every round that determines the amount of communication you have between players. Such a unique concept I don't know why anyone else hasn't copied it yet.
 #103 Korrigans (NEW)

A newer game to my collection it just didn't warrant enough interest to make it this year. I LOVE the theme and the pieces but I'm worried it may never make it to the list since new games are constantly coming in. Really solid game that surprised me however.

 #102 High Tide (2017 - #70)

Though it technically made my list this year, it was quickly pushed out due to me overlooking 2 other games in my collection. Though I still stand by everything I said in my video, I don't see this one making it on to the list ever again....which saddens me.

#101 Worker Placement (NEW)

Another game that made the list initially then was bumped off, I love this game and do think there's a chance for it to return as I continue to get it to the table.

Alright folks, that's all for the NOT Top 100, tomorrow I'll give my predictions on where I think my other games will be come the end of the year!

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