Monday, January 14, 2019

Not Top 100 (#132-#117)

Last month, I completed giving my Top 100 Board game videos. Today I'd like to talk about the ones that missed the cut!

 #132 Timber Tom

Man, this one was so close to making my Top 100 last year but now it's so far down the list, I doubt it'll ever make it that close ever again. This game did get played this past year with my nephews. It's fun, but for the same reasons I gave in the review, it just doesn't hold up against the others in my collection.
 #131 Stargate (2017  - #100)

Barely making the list last year I predicted this one would fall off in 2018 and it did. Good news is, it'll qualify for my vintage list next year so it should get more love there.
 #130 Say Anything (2017 - #74; 2016 - #49)

Last year I predicted this game would hold on in keeping on the Top 100, I was wrong. There's nothing the matter with this game, I just avoid playing party games when I can. That being said, this will always stay in my collection but it'll only come out on the rare occasion a party game is called for.

 #129 Machi Koro (2017- #93)

Another game I love a lot and thought it'd stay on the Top 100 list even though it was low. We played it this year and (as always) had fun but sadly that's not enough to keep its former ranking. I don't think it's coming back on the list either.
 #128 Santorini (2017- #97)

I was correct when I said last year that it wouldn't make the list again. My nephews love it which is why I keep it on my shelf. I didn't play it this year but then again, wouldn't say no to my nephews if they requested it. Though it stays on my shelf it never returns to the Top 100 list. 
 #127 Here Kitty Kitty (2017 - #92)

This one I knew would fall off the list in 2018. Still a fun game and still played in my home but its "glory days" are behind it. All it has become is a filler game between sessions.
 #126 Monsters Menace America (2017 - #89)

Another game I predicted would fall off the list this year. Though we played it and my gaming group even request it from time to time. One of my friends went as far to say this was one of his favorite games from my collection. Much more in depth than King of Tokyo though I must admit, a little clunkier too. Still a fun one though!
 #125 Road Kill Rally (2017 - #91) 

Another game I knew wouldn't make it to the list but that doesn't stop it from being one of the most popular games not in my 100. I would say this one gets more love from my gaming group than all the others outside the list. I like the game too and even though it may scoot up a few spots in 2019 I don't see it making my Top 100 again.

But you gotta love them Grandma figures in the game!!
 #124 Show Manager (2017 - #87)

I love Queen Games. I love this game and for those reasons I thought it could stay on my list. But the Mrs no longer plays it with me and that right there doomed the game. I also enjoy Shakespeare a little better too but I'm keeping this game because it is fun to play.

 #123 Rallyman (NEW)

My first New game to not make the list! Picked this up for $10 at BGG Spring Con because I'd heard such great things about it. One of my nephews loves this game more than Formula D but the rest of us love Formula D better. The Mrs even played this game with me but didn't think that much of it. If she would've liked it, I'm pretty sure it'd had made the list. But at this ranking I doubt it ever gets in.

 #122 Shark Mania (2017 - #94)

This is where it starts hurting a little bit. This is a great kids game. Easy to set up and quick. We play it all the time. I thought it had a chance to stay on my list but it just wasn't enough. It's too new to be considered vintage but that's the only way it's making a list of mine again. Can't recommend it enough if you have kids though. Great game!

 #121 Family Vacation (NEW)

Another new game to my collection that missed the cut only because it's too simple a game. Don't get me wrong, I love it and intend to play it but it won't see the table as much as my other games so for that reason it stays on the outside looking in.
 #120 Monopoly Gamer: Mario Kart (NEW)

Another great game that didn't make the list for me this year. BUT it has a chance to move up among the unranked games because it is fun. Is that enough to crack the Top 100? With new games coming in every year I doubt it but it's still a fun game none the less!
 #119 Chang Cheng (NEW)

Beautiful looking game, easy to play but just like some of the others on this list, it didn't have what it takes to make the cut. I don't see that changing though I will continue to play the game because it's very light weight and pretty fun if you only play it every once in a while.
#118 A Dog's Life (NEW)

I'll be honest. When the Mrs told me she didn't enjoy the game, I knew that meant it wasn't making my Top 100. My nephews on the other hand? They love it. Though I'm not a dog person either I have to admit it is fun peeing on lamppost, getting in fights and delivering newspapers. Though it'll never make my list it does have a chance to move up higher next year.

#117 Coney Island (NEW)

The newest game to my collection just before making my videos, this one didn't make the list, though it could move up in 2019. The game is interesting and I need to have a few more plays to see. My guess is it has an outside shot of getting in but it's current ranking's going to make that tough. I do enjoy the game however and am happy to have it in my collection.

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