Wednesday, January 09, 2019

Things I miss from my childhood (5)

Backyard Baseball

I don't know what your neighborhood was like growing up but for us it seemed like every kid on the block played baseball in their back yard.

We even had our own league of several teams. (4 teams most times though one year I think we had as many as 6) We played out a "season" usually only lasted a month to 6 weeks but the games were epic and the tradition continued well after we left Forest, MS.

I remember on our first trip back to visit there were 8 teams in the league! We watched on the games at an old friends house.

Playing in your backyard was fun too. For first base we had a dirt mound, second base was a small slab of concrete, 3rd was usually someones glove and home was a pile of ashes we made from the chimney door. It made for the perfect cloud of dust too when you pounded you bat at the plate. (it was also cool for sliding into home, which every kid did regardless of whether they needed to or not.

I remember the fence in our back yard was only 85 feet. Being upset by this, I chalked "90" on each end and "100" to dead center though it was probably 70 feet if that. Many a tennis ball (of Dad's) would sail over the fences for a homerun.

Dad let us use his old tennis balls but we eventually got into his fresh nice ones and ruined those too.

Ooh! That's another good memory! Opening up a can of fresh tennis balls and getting excited to play baseball with them! Ha ha ha ha ha! MAN what fun!!

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