Tuesday, January 08, 2019

Things I miss from my childhood (4)

Playing on the wood stack.

Not many kids will share this memory since I'm pretty sure it's quite unique but back in the day when we had a wood burning furnace in our house Dad would buy a huge pile of lumber to chop up over the winter and during that time we had a backyard full of imagination to play with!

Our pile of wood was a space ship. We drew on the flat faces of the logs, button, levers, scanners and anything else we could think of. It was wonderful. My dad was kind enough to leave our marked logs the last thing he'd chop up at the end of winter and we were thankful for that.

But it was always exciting when fall came and a new pile was delivered to us. To this day I wish we had a fireplace for a fire because I'd surely have one in my home if we did!

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