Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Top 100 (2019 predictions) #50-41

 #50 Dice Town 

This one slipped a little from the year before coming in at #43. It received a neat expansion last year with another coming out soon that I can't wait to play. Don't know if it'll keep its ranking but if it slips it won't be beyond 60.
 #49 Liguria

#47 last year it didn't slip by that much. A strong Queen Game that will surprise you the first time you play it because it doesn't look like much. It's the "prequel" to Fresco, one of my favorite games from Queen. It's also loved by by gaming group so I'm going to say it holds within my Top 50 for next time.
 #48 Formula D

#30 in 2017 and #10 in 2016 this game seems to be trending down but in reality I didn't get to go on our beach vacation this year and that's where we usually play it. So that's really the reason it dropped so much this year. I'm predicting it sticks around the Top 50 for me since it's a hard feat to climb up so high after a dip like this.

 #47 Battle Ball

From #22 it took quite a drop this year but that's because it's a two player game. If I see that trend continue in 2019, I'll move it to the Vintage list where it's been qualified for, for a while now. BEST football game out there!

 #46 Francis Drake

THIS is my pirate game! Nothing like it! I hope to play with 5 players and really see the game go in to overdrive! This game has great potential to move up the list this year since my gaming group loves it as well.

 #45 Rajas of the Ganges

I feel I might have been too conservative on this ranking too. The more I play it, the more I love it. I expect this one to move up a bit as well....maybe even surpass the dread pirate Drake!

 #44 Parfum

Moved up from #48 on my list, a game about making perfume...who knew?? To be honest, I see it edging up a little further in 2019 as well. Queen Games man, I'm telling ya!!

 #43 Thebes

Never played the Card game version, doesn't interest me. This game is SO unique with it's time track that determines player order and digging into bags for treasure while returning in sand tokens to the bag, making it more difficult for the next person when they perform a "dig" action at the same spot, just like an actual archaeologist! I'm thinking it'll follow Parfum up the list like last year when it was #46 and move up a few more spots.

 #42 Catan

#10 last year, #8 the year before that. 2018 marked its first huge fall on the list but I think it might be ready for a comeback in 2019! My entire gaming group loves the game (as do I) We played it all the time at the first of the year before I started enforcing different games at the table. That may have lead to its drop this time around so I won't be as hostile to it coming to the table as much this year. But will be a Top 10 game again? Doubtful.

 #41 Flashpoint: Fire Rescue

Oh the tragedy that is coop games on my list! #26 last year and #11 the year before that! None of my coops seems to stick. Can't talk enough about how great this game is, but the coop design will be a factor as it continues to drop farther down on my list in 2019.

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