Friday, February 21, 2020

Cure for the empty Mall

Someone asked me the other day what I would do if I owned a mall and how I would bring back it's popularity so I thought today I'd share my thoughts.

First off, I'd lower prices. One of the biggest mistakes Mall's are making these days is thinking they're still relevant. Though they haven't increased prices, they refuse to lower them, thinking the appeal of the mall is still strong with the average consumer.

This simply isn't true anymore. With online shopping, malls are becoming a thing of the past but it's not too late to save them.

So what stores should they be focusing on? I think the niche local store like jewelry and clothing would be good. But I'd also add "experience" stores as well. Wall climbing, indoor putt-putt and laser tag just to name a few.  And get a few more restaurants to inhabit your stores and I think you have a guaranteed weekend destination/party/date night for everyone.

Personally, I hate malls and don't mind seeing them going to the way of the buffalo. In fact, I'm inclined to believe this is where they're inevitably headed in the next 10 years any way but to me, this is a solid strategy they could try to save them if they want it bad enough.

Have a good weekend folks!

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