Monday, January 13, 2020

Top 100 Vintage Games (2020 predictions)

Ok folks! It's time to run through my entire board game collection from last years list and predict where these games will end up in 2020. Today, I'm starting with the 14 games from my vintage list and predicting if any of them will make the bump into my Top 100!

 114) Treasure Trolls

If I could get rid of this game without Megan knowing I would. It will never move up any list of mine. Horrible game.

 113) Care Bears

Another game that'll never move into my Top 100. Though not as bad as Treasure Trolls.

 112) Strawberry Shortcake

I don't think any of Megan's games are moving up into my list.

 111) Cabbage Patch Kids

Megan doesn't play these games with me anymore so I don't see this one moving anywhere either.

 110) Little Mermaid

It's a stupid simple game. But it will get played every time my little niece comes to visit.
 109) Super Powers

A beautiful game that sicks. Unless someone can come up with better rules for this game, it's forever on the outside looking in.

 108) Power Rangers

Like I said, if I were a fan of the show I'd throw it in my Top 100. But I'm not, so it isn't.

107) Jurassic Park 3

Megan's nephew loves these games. But I'm not sure playing them with only him will bring these up that much.

 106) Lost World

Speaking of Megan's nephew, this is his favorite of the 3 to play. He always wants to play it first. I make him play the other two with me. I guess he likes all the cardboard stand ups that come in it. A pain to set up but it does look good in the end.

 105) Jurassic Park

Still the best of the 3 but that's only because it's not heavily imbalanced like the other two. But like I said, I don't see this one moving up.

 104) Rescue Rangers

I re-watched the cartoon recently on Disney+ So if I ever get this one to the table and it's not so bad, there's a chance it could hop on the list, though at the bottom.

 103) Darkwing Duck

Same can be said for this game too. If it comes to the table in 2020, it moves on to the list...but near the bottom.

 102) Battle at the Sarlacc's Pit

To be honest, I'm predicting this one hops back on my list. It's already been played and though it's not much on strategy and more on luck, it may be able to get back on my list like it did back in 2018.  Just waiting to play the games above it to make sure before moving it up....but I'm going to say it gets there.
101) Saved by the Bell

The only way this gets in is if it gets played. If it doesn't, it'll probably stay where it is.

Top 100 Vintage game predictions start tomorrow!

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