Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Do you remember? (2)

Choose Your Own Adventure Books

These were big in the late 80's and early 90's and still come out from time to time under certain franchises. But the originals were so much fun. I'd try to read through them without dying (which I always would fail at) but after reading it, I'd take several different "paths" to read all the multiple endings it had.

Once I even killed myself off on the 1st choice! I don't know what's funnier, they fact I'm so bad at making decisions or the fact I got passed over it as a kid!

Bugle Fingers

They still make Bugles but does ANYONE do this anymore?! I never see it if they do. This was the whole reason you bought these. If you'll remember they weren't much on taste, just another oddly shaped snack for our fancy.

Hmmm... maybe I should go get a bag now...

Toy Car Map

Again, another toy my little brother had as a kid. (I'm trying to hit a wide target audience with these posts) But I do remember thinking it was cool, though too big for hot wheels to drive on. It also irritated me that my brother never drove on the roads.

Just another sign to show how old I was getting.

Balancing Bird

DANG! I totally forgot about these things until I started doing research for these posts! Remember the weighted bird you could balance on your finger? It was one of those "science" toys your mom would get you.

Looking back I never wondered what the big attraction to these was for everyone. Just that after a couple of days, this toy got old quick!

Scratch and Sniff Stickers

Sure they make them today but it ain't like the old days when EVERY sticker was practically scratch and sniff. I remember our teacher would sometimes give these out when we did a great job on our test. It was like having a badge of honor!

(sigh) They sure don't make them like they used to!

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