Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Another history lesson: Polio Epidemic

 In the early 19th century a polio epidemic was hitting the nation, it got worse and worse each year. 

Know what they thought would treat it at first? Bathing in almond milk and electrocuting their legs......sounds stupid, but so does wearing a mask, lockdowns and social distancing.

Speaking of lockdowns, they tried that too... and low and behold, it didn't work. 

Want to know the kicker? It took DECADES of research to finally find a vaccine that eliminated polio. 

But that's history.....no one pays attention and learns from it....ever.   

Chucky TV Series (First thoughts)

 There's a new series coming out so I thought I'd give my first thoughts on what I think about it before it comes out!

What I like: 

It takes place in the original story line (not connected to the new movie which looked terrible) It will give us some background on the killer Chucky before he became a doll. It will bring back lots of people from previous movies and have strong continuity ties to the movies. 

What I don't like: 

It will focus on high school kids. All of whom look completely boring and uninteresting. In fact, the idea that a highschooler would be caught dead carrying around a doll to class (no matter what excuse they give) is silly and unrealistic by any stretch of the imagination. 

Overall, I plan on watching it. I don't mind the series and Megan is a big fan of it so she'll be watching it too. It's only 8 episodes as I understand, so it shouldn't wear out its welcome. I'm curious to how well it'll turn out.  

Monday, August 30, 2021

Facts that Fox News and CNN don't want you to know.

 Israel has the strictest lockdowns for just about any country. Most everyone is vaccinated. And it has a heavily enforced mask mandate. 

Oh....also, it's COVID numbers are so bad right now it's one of the worst in the world per captia in cases. more than 1 in every 150 people in Israel have it. 


Meanwhile, Louisiana is 4th in deaths with a mask mandate. Florida (no mask mandate and MUCH older population) is in 21st. 

The truth is starring them right in the face. 

Little Debbie Oatmeal Cereal Review

 This one may be worse than the last cereal I tried. It taste nothing like the snack cakes and again, more like garbage. 

What were they thinking?!? Did anyone even taste test these?!? Again, even if you love the snack cake, don't bother getting these. 

Sunday, August 29, 2021

 Keep you children indoors. Teach them to fear everything. Especially a virus that has one of the highest survival rates. 

Shelter them. Isolate them from others. 

Destroy their childhood. 

As for me, my children won't live in constant fear. Sure, we'll be safe with them, but we'll never abuse them the way other parents are right now with the COVID scare. 

Friday, August 27, 2021

Little Debbie Cosmic Brownie Cereal Review


Yep. I'm reviewing it. 

I love the little debbies, why NOT make a cereal?!?

Oh yeah...because snack cakes DON'T make good cereal. This tastes horrible and stale. A real waste of time. Don't even bother picking it up even if you love the actual thing. This tastes NOTHING like it and is garbage. 

Have a good weekend folks!

Thursday, August 26, 2021

The Waddington Story (Book review)

 I love Waddington games. Back in the 80's and 90's they were KILLING the market with some of the finest produced games I've ever seen! So when I was given a chance to read the hard to find book on the company I was excited!

Unfortunately it doesn't talk much about their foray into board games but rather the company as a whole. It was interesting but I found it funny he spent so much time talking about how they fended off a hostile takeover, only to end up selling the company a few years later to someone else and laying everyone off. 

The author is so petty that he even thinks of "cut downs" for the person responsible for the hostile takeover AFTER the fact. Sorry, but I can't feel sorry for a corporate scumbag who ended up selling the company on his terms and watched it dissolve into nothing as he walked away with millions. 

Sad because I know there's better stories out there about the company in its heyday that aren't told by the higher ups and THAT is something I'd be interested in reading. 

Though I'm glad I got a chance to check it out, I'm disappointed with how it was presented by the author.  

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

F9 (Review)

 I used to refer to these are "popcorn" movies but at this point they're more ridiculous than anything else. I can't keep up with who's who anymore and I don't care. The movie is just nonsense. The writers and directors know it at this point and are content throwing anything on the screen to see just how far people will let this ridiculous go.

The answer: Pretty far. 

At this point I may be done with the series as a whole. It stopped being fun and became just plain stupid. But to each his own I suppose. 

The pride of a fool

 Louisiana leads in cases and deaths from the virus over other states....without a mask mandate. 

But instead of seeing the obvious, the Governor plows ahead in the faulty assumption that they work, even when his state is crumbling around him due to it. 

What a fool. 

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Bang Bummer

 Last month I discovered a new Bang flavor had come out.....exclusive to 7 Eleven (something we have NO WHERE around me) 

I don't know when (or if) I'll ever get to try it, but I hope one day I can. It sounds interesting from what I've seen of reviews. 

Yep, after all these years, I'm still a Bang fan!

Monday, August 23, 2021

Thank God for Jeff Landry

 The only person willing to fight for the rights and job of the people in Louisiana. 

If he runs for Governor, he wins. 

He's done more in a day than Bel Edwards has in the past two years. 

I hope to vote for him in 2023

Mask on children


Moto G Power 2021 (Fail)

 Got my new phone a few weeks ago and I half to admit, I'm not impressed. 

The first day my battery died by the end of the day. I figured most of that was all the downloading and data transfer from my old phone. 

But 2 days later when I saw it die down with LITTLE activity on it, I knew something was wrong. 

Sadly this is JUST like every other battery out there on the market. What used to be a solid product has clearly degraded. I'm lucky to get 2 days if I don't play video these days. 

Really disappointing. I won't be getting anymore of these in the future. Once 2 years are up, I'll be on the lookout for yet another satisfactory phone. 

Sunday, August 22, 2021

From 1st to worst

 The Mets should write a book on how to lead the division for the first half of the season and not care about falling apart in the 2nd. 

Steve Cohn has every right to be upset. This team isn't even trying. 

No Mask vs Abortion

 Isn't it odd that people call non-mask wearers "murderers" are also the same people that applaud, cheer and proudly stand by the slaughter of unborn children?

What a world we live in. 

Australia vs Insanity

 Australians are railing about the terrible lockdown conditions they have to face over 1...ONE, COVID case and I don't blame them. 

Others should stand up and demand their freedom if the world is ever going to get back to normal! 

Mic drop moment


Proof of over inflated Covid numbers


Antibodies over Vaccine


Testing oxygen wearing a mask


These videos don't get old


Great lecture on why Civil War had nothing to do with slavery.


Saturday, August 21, 2021

Good for Monroe

 The city stores aren't really enforcing mask mandates here as strict as they were last year. I'm guessing its because they realize how ineffective they were the last time, plus the fact that everyone (even the employees) are fed up with it. 

Monroe proud!

Dumb and Dumber

 Numbers during the mask mandate have hit a 2 year high. Proving once again our governor has ZERO clue about how ineffective they are. 

As he stubbornly doubles down on this senselessness the state continues to plummet to an all time low. 

I can only guess he knows his days in office are up and he's in "screw it" mode. I can't wait to vote him out of office.   

Friday, August 20, 2021

The dangers of COVID Fear Mongering


Canadian Doctors share why COVID isn't that scary


Dr being honet


Dr Colin Barron speaking truth


Clips the media hopes you forget about.


Back when the news told the truth.


The real science behind mask.


Fear Street 1666 (Review)

 If you literally enjoy the taste of crap, you'll love this. 

Set back in time to the first possession, this film stars all the stars from the first two previous films playing ancestors of themselves....poorly. 

It might even be the worst of the 3 movies....and with 1994 in the mix, THAT'S saying something. 

PLEASE don't waste your time with these if you haven't already. Terrible films! I'm glad I can move on with my life. 

Have a good weekend folks!

Thursday, August 19, 2021

New York hates businesses

 At least that's the subtext of the lawsuit going on right now with businesses and the city over New York's atrocious "anti-vaccinated" rule that bars them from entering certain businesses. 

Since vaccinated people are getting the virus too it's stupid and unlawful to discriminate in that fashion. 

Here's the hoping those businesses win and if they don't? Here's to hoping New York loses half its population by the end of the year.  

Fear Street 1978 (Review)

 Instead of just plain awful, this is just plain boring. 

I swear, 20 minutes in to the film, Megan was on Facebook and I was looking at boardgames online. 

It's SO slow it felt like the movie would never end. I was literally checking the time every few minutes I was so bored with this one. 

What was Netflix thinking when they over saw this?!? Did they know that only a smart marketing campaign MIGHT fool people into watching these? Or were they hoping grown up Goosebumps fans would be dedicated enough to sit through this garbage till the end?

Either way, I had to watch the 3rd movie with Megan......wait till tomorrow to see how miserable this thing ends.   

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

The Forever Purge (Review)

 I guess the title is the entire story arc. After the Purge people refuse to stop until a "cleansing" of America is completed. So the Purge continues until that time. 

An interesting idea and a new direction for the franchise to go to. Not much of an overall story arc among the other movies but it does connect to them as well as the TV series so it's fine in that aspect. 

The story focuses on ranchers trying to get to the Mexican border who has established itself as a safe haven for Americans fleeing the Purge. 

Compared to the films this one falls flat and is my least favorite of the series. I'm still interested in seeing more of this world but hopefully better than what this film brought.  

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Purge Season 2 (Review)


Season 2 is incredible. WAY better than the first season and with the exception of one story line every character plot in this season is exciting from start to finish. 

Speaking of "finish" this one leaves itself wide open for a continuation at the end. You get an ending but it's obvious they had more to tell if a Season 3 got approved. Sadly it was cancelled after this season because people probably were underwhelmed with Season 1 never bothered sticking around to see the excellent improvements made for Season 2. 

Honestly, this is better than some of the movies. I loved it. They have 3 cameos from the 1st film at the beginning, middle and end of the season. The first 2 only a keen fan will catch but the 3rd one (featured in the series finale) is HUGE and everyone will recognize who it is from the start. 

NONE of the characters returned from the 1st season which is good. THIS was a solid cast and it's a shame we won't get to see more of them. 

I don't know where they would've gone for Season 3 but it's a shame they never got the chance. I'd have been interested for sure. 

Monday, August 16, 2021

Purge Season 1 (Review)

 I never knew they made a TV series of this movie franchise. I don't even know how I missed it when it was out. 

I enjoy the movies. They're more "one and done" for me but still doesn't mean that I don't check each one out when they arrive for rental. For example, I'll be watching "The Forever Purge" once it's out on Redbox or streaming for sure. But a TV show? Let's review season 1. 

The first season takes place over one Purge night and focuses on a handful of characters that eventually all connect in the end. 

While some of the story lines are mediocre, the series manages to plod along through 10 episodes without dragging too bad. 

In the end, it was ok, but inferior to the movies. I'd heard this when first looking in to it but had to check it out anyway. 

Good news is you DON'T have to watch this to understand the 2nd season, which deals with an entirely different cast and story. I can recommend the first season if you're a die hard fan of the franchise, but if you find yourself getting bored you can skip to season 2. 

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Do Masks Work? Viral immunologist Dr. Byram Bridle performs a simple exp...

Why Masks Don't Make Sense

Census Results

 They're in and it's not looking good for blue states. People left in flocks to red states where their freedom and right to choose isn't ignored. 

Very telling. But I bet the blue states don't listen. 

Friday, August 13, 2021

When the obvious happens

 Oh uh, Bel Edwards isn't happy. His mask mandate has only seen Louisiana increase in the number of cases since its installment. (which was obvious to anyone with half a brain)

Now the Governor is mad. Which results in passing the blame to residents who don't get the shot.....which makes no difference according to his rules so why should people get it in the first place? 

He's also sunk to a new low of fear mongering. Telling Louisiana that if they don't get vaccinated an even WORSE virus will come along and kill more people in the state. 

Meanwhile, all the states in the US who don't have a mask mandate are enjoying COVID numbers WELL below what we are. 

(sigh) Bel Edwards will never learn. 

Fear Street 1994 (Review)

 We watched Part 1 last month and it wasn't good. It wasn't bad either....it was REALLY bad. 

This movie sucks. Nothing original, no character development. You don't care about ANYONE in the film. The plot is part rip off of Scream, the Blair Witch Project and EVERY ending of a horror movie in the early 2000's. 

It's beyond bad now that I think about it. 

They wanted you to "remember" the 90's so in the first 20 minutes they crammed every 90's song they could get the rights to and it played like a vintage commercial you used to see for a collection of the "Best Hits" on TV with the 1-800 number attached. (+$19.95 Shipping and Handling!)

The acting is sub par. They made too much of an effort at the beginning to make it feel like a 90's movie, then they drop the concept completely and make it feel like a movie made in the present day. 

Megan still wants to see the next two to see how it ends. 

Lord help me. 

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Vaccinate or death!

 It's starting to turn ugly now. Unvaccinated are being hated on and discriminated against. They tried bribing people with gifts and now their true character comes out when folks won't comply. 

They threaten your job or to make your life hell if you don't take it. It inhumane. 

I have a bad feeling it'll only get worse as the year goes by.  

New Orleans gets ugly

 Sad day.

The city has declared it will start discriminating against unvaccinated people starting next week. 

I hope the population leaves in droves over this. 

Shame on them.  

Laying down the law

 Gov Abbot of Texas is warning cities not to enforce a mask mandate by saying "It's time to let people be responsible for themselves."

I couldn't agree more. 

Why can't we have a Governor like that?

Firefly: Life Signs

 Found out about this book after it'd come out but got to read it last month and wanted to do a review on it now. 

James Lovegrove is a pretty good author. I've enjoyed most of his books from the previous series. This was better than Ghost Machine, but still had it's shortcomings. 

The story once again takes place before the movie but it appears not long before it. Book has left the crew as have Inara, but Inara has a special incurable cancer that sends the crew on a quest to find the one experimental doctor who may have the cure.  

The problem? 

He's on a remote prison planet heavily guarded by the Alliance. 

Overall, the story's engaging. One mistake in the novel Lovegrove made was earlier in the book when Simon was "undercover" he made sure not to give his last name "Tam" as it might trigger some awareness as to his origins. However, near the end of the book, someone refers to him as "Dr Tam"

The other thing I take issue with is that Kaylee and Simeon share a long kiss. This sort of goes against what we've seen from the movie, when it still appears they haven't spoken of their feeling for eachother yet. 

Other than those two call outs, the rest of book was fine. Worth your time checking out if you're a Firefly fan like me. 

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

BANG: Wyldin Watermelon

 I'm not a watermelon fan. I AM a Bang fan. 

What a conundrum.

I decided to go ahead and try it since I'm a bigger fan of Bang. It's not terrible but also not for me. if you're a watermelon fan you're probably enjoy it. It oddly taste more like honeydew when I tried it though. 

Weird. Pass.   

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Mask study research results


A study where they break down each type of mask and speak to the deficiencies in each type.  



Another report the media doesn't want you see!

Study showing how masks don't make a difference


Seriously, this information is so easy to find. Sadly it gets buried by the media and is silenced if posted on Facebook, Twitter or any other social media. 


Mask still don't work


Great article on the topic with graphs showing the ineffectiveness of masks. 

The evidence is overwhelming at this point.  

Face Mask Don't Work


Yet another damning report that shows how ineffective masks are against the virus. 

This study was concluded Nov 2020 and was (of course) ignored by the media. 

More evidence that Vitamin D is effective against the virus.


Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It (Review)

If you don't know, I LOVED the first movie. Thought the second was good but the third one? Horrible. 

I hate that too because I was looking forward to this one. In fact, it was one of my most anticipated movies of the year and it fell flat. 

 Hardly any scary moments in it at all. It never had the creepy feeling like the two movies prior had. A terrible shame and a sign that this series needs to retire before things get any worse. 

Avoid seeing at all cost if it's not too late already. 

Monday, August 09, 2021

Banned Video because it speaks the TRUTH

Spiral (Review)

 The Saw movies were always good to watch once and never again. I've enjoyed them all but felt the last one was a little weak. 

I was very wary about how this "spinoff" would be, but it was pretty good! I was surprised to see Chris Rock take the lead role in such a serious movie. He changed his look just enough to separate his long time comedic roles. 

Samuel Jackson as his Dad was pretty good too. I did guess the ending correctly but it wasn't until 2/3 of the way through the movie so bravo to them on that. 

It has a nice twist and is a pretty strong story overall. There are the gross torture scenes but not as brutal as some of the movies that came before. If Saw was your thing....this movie's for you.  

Friday, August 06, 2021

"It's not that big a deal"

 In the world of "People with Brains" resides JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon, who says the economy will not be impacted by the "Delta" virus and that his company has no plans on mandating vaccinations for its employees. 

This is another Democrat I can admire, for his willingness to look past party lines and do the sensible thing. Too bad more Americans (Republican or Democrat) aren't more like that. 

Cruella (Review)

 Earlier this summer Megan wanted to see this one. I did not. 

But it turned out to be pretty good. I enjoyed it. It was fun and had an unexpected story that impressed rather than disappointed. Really surprised since Cruella isn't that interesting a character to me in the first place. 

If you passed it up, I recommend going back and giving it a shot. 

Thursday, August 05, 2021

Amen to that!

 Saw this tonight at the putt putt place we went to. 

Solid. Love it. 

Good for Governor Reeves

Governor of MS just took a stand on vowing not to order another mask mandate. Proud of him and the state for not bowing to fear and ideocracy. 

Louisiana has to have one of the worst Governor's in the country at this point. 

Army of the Dead (Review)

 Thought I'd review some of the movies I saw over the summer since I no longer do my "Monthly Movie Previews" anymore. 

I watched this atrocity because I really enjoyed Snyder's first movie "Dawn of the Dead"

This was was horribly boring and predictable the entire way through. Really not good at all. In fact, it was a waste of time. 

Proving once and for all that Snyder is THE WORST.  

Wednesday, August 04, 2021


 Once again, another politician has been busted for breaking their own mask mandates, proving they're nothing but a bunch of hypocrites when it comes to these mandates. 

Yet again, most folks will close their eyes and ignore this like all the other countless times folks have been busted. 

Willful ignorance folks. 


 Ron just keeps on getting better with time! Unlike our spineless Governor, who'd rather watch Louisiana's economy die off completely, Desantis is refuses to send Florida back to the stone age with lockdowns and mandates that has already been proved non-effective in fighting the virus. 

Seriously, if everyone thought like this, we'd be one of the strongest countries in the world. 

Van Weezer (Review)

 This was supposed to be out in 2020 but due to the pandemic....for some reason they didn't want to release it. It was pushed back a full year which bummed me out because we'd already gotten to hear a track from it and it sounded amazing. 

Now I year later, they've released another album, (Ok, Human) which I spoke about yesterday. This came out with much anticipation from me and other fans and I have to admit, like other fans I was underwhelmed.

It's not a bad album at all. In fact, it's pretty decent. But with it being delayed for a whole year, the expectations from fans could never be matched to whatever this album had on it so I think it was doomed to fail regardless. One strange decision was to include the single "Beginning of the End" on the album.  But a different version than what was on the Bill and Ted soundtrack.

In fact... it's worse. I like the Bill ad Ted version SO much better. This new version has less energy it seems. Odd because I'm not sure what Weezer was trying to do with it. And that it was a repeat on an album with only 10 tracks was a little disappointing too. 

Overall, it's not a bad album, but won't be remember as one of the best from Weezer fans either. Such a shame. 

Tuesday, August 03, 2021

If at first you don't succeed...fail, fail again.

 Mask Mandates are back. They didn't work last time, they won't this time either. 

Ok, Human (Review)


I forgot to do this reviews on the newest Weezer albums but when I recently spent time listening to them again, I remembered to make this post. 

Ok, Human is the album Weezer wrote during the pandemic as folks anticipated their upcoming (and delayed) album Van Weezer (which I'll review tomorrow)

So this was really a freebie for the fans. That being said, I can't really complain too much about it. I mean, it's an ok album, but forgettable. Kind of like how "Death to Metal" was. But like Death to Metal, this album does have a few jingles I enjoy. 

Overall, I love Weezer and whatever they do and whatever you think about them you can't say they don't love their fans because that's exactly what this album was for.....oh and to show Rivers can write a million songs and produce an album a month if they wanted. 

That too. 

Monday, August 02, 2021

20 Weddings (Part 20)

 The last wedding I was a part of was earlier this summer. It was a memorable one to be sure. I had diarrhea that day and kept having to go back and forth to the restroom. I was afraid for a moment that I wouldn't be able to stand for the entire ceremony but thankfully I made it thru.

I probably won't be in any more wedding from here on out. Like I said in a post last year, I'm getting too old for that. But I'm fine with that because all that standing in one spot for 20-30 minutes is for the young!