Friday, May 17, 2024

Final Purge (9)


Another great game sailing away from my collection. The reason was simple, like "Homesteaders" there's the same stack of buildings to choose from and because of that, people kept going with the same buildings they got every time. Fighting over some of the more popular ones in prior games. Making games the same over and over again. 

Only ONE thing wrong about this game. Not enough VP tokens provided in the game. Even with 2 people we kept looking for substitute stand in tokens. And that sucks. I was so disgusted with the lack of forsight when making this game, I decided to cut it from the collection. 

Great coop game but just like Pandemic, we got so good at it that even at the hardest level, it wasn't much of a threat anymore to lose. Shame. Good game. Just without a real threat its not worth keeping anymore. 

Congratulations to my gaming group for breaking this game! Someone discovered the easiest path to victory and it made so much sense I knew we'd never play it any other way again! It wasn't mean spirited either, they were just trying to find the most efficient means of winning and they did it without utilizing half the spots on the board. I'm shocked after so many years playing the game that I never saw it either but now I can't unsee it so it's now gone from my collection!

Have a good weekend folks!

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