Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Final Purge (7)

After years of being in my collection I finally decided to let this one go. I love the game but after so many years, it's lost its luster and as I keep telling myself during these purges, I can't think with my heart. 

With only 6 combos of cupcakes to make and the same meeples every game (though in different neighborhoods) the game didn't offer enough replay-ability and no one ever requested it. I was only getting it to the table once a year, so the choice was pretty clear after that. 
Another game that's been in the collection for some time and finally I parted ways with it. Another victim of the "once a year" games that couldn't be avoided. I knew in my heart I wouldn't be bringing it to the table anymore than that a year so I let it go instead. 

Great theme. Simple dice placement which was fun but didn't offer much in strategy overall. Curious to see how much the trade is worth on it. It must have been picked up quick because I never saw it hit their site. 

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