Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Final Purge (11)


My favorite and final Haba game in my collection is now done. My gaming group finally found the broken aspect of the game and exploited it to the max. I love this game but it makes no sense to only gain bonus cards each round. They're so powerful you really don't need to go anywhere else on the board. I knew this but kept quiet on it in hopes no one would pick it up.

Well they did. And the game is forever ruined. 

Oh boy. WHY didn't I listen to myself the first time around! Yes folks....this is the second time I've let go of this game. I traded it years ago after getting it and thought it was a mistake. I bought it again and realized I was right all along. It's a good game. But not worthy enough to stay on my selves. The game is the same in a lot of ways because you're building up influence the same way. EVERYONE is doing the same thing. 

Though what nobles you grab afterward make the game different I couldn't stand the fact that we were all just going through the motions until that time came. Making it ultimately not worth keeping in the end. 

REALLY hard decision to let this one go. I've had a lot of fun with it but my nephew made a good point that the end game points for contracts aren't really worth that much in the end and I tend to agree with him. At least when it comes with the price you have to pay for them. It really is a waste of turn which ends up not being worth it. That led to my final decision to let the game go. 

I love worker placement. This is a good one with a lot of point salad in the end. But it wasn't much different from other WP games in my collection which is why it kept falling down my list. I decided to let it go because it just wasn't unique enough to separate itself from the rest of the pack.  

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