Friday, May 10, 2024

Final Purge (5)

 Oddly enough, after YEARS of losing this game, I finally won one. But the game is very repetitive as the tiles you get are always the same causing people to play the same strategy over and over again. Fun for a few plays but once people get into the same groove of what they want to do, the game becomes the same. 

My biggest complaint about the game led to it's release from my collection. It needs more tiles to expand the parks with. Seriously, I feel it needs double the rides too. The game leaves you feeling shorted, thinking "If I'd only had more room to expand!" 

In one year and out the next. Why so fast? My nephew figured out how to break the game and I was done after that. 

Lovely game but only came out once a year. I kept holding on to it in hopes of getting it to the table more but that day never came. And a few years ago when the reprint came out, this all but lost ALL of its lovely trade value, so I dumped it in hopes someone else will have the chance to play it.  

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