Thursday, May 09, 2024

Final Purge (4)

 Trade value too high and I never play it anymore. There was a time where my gaming group came from the local theatre, now is not that case. So this once popular game gathers more dust than plays these days. I enjoy the game but when no one's playing it, reality of the situation starts to set in. 

Thus begins the "Queen Games" purge. Once I was their biggest fan, but ever since my last kickstarter experience with them, my feeling for them have cooled. A few years back I never would've let any of these games go, but now I'm seeing things in a different light with them, so I'm more open to cutting their games from my collection now. 

To be clear, there's nothing wrong with this game (when you have the queenies) I was only re-evaluating games that only were played once and for how many years. This was one that's been hanging on the list far longer than others. But in the end, it had to go. 

This is the 2nd time I've let go of this game. I should've trusted my gut the first time around when I traded it. But since it was from one of my favorite designers I thought I should have it back in my collection. Now I realize that even if they are one of my favorites, it doesn't mean I have to get every game they ever made. I also think I hate Egyptian themed games since I no longer carry any in my collection anymore. 

I'm proud to have the ONLY video review of this game. But it plays best at higher player counts. Something I will never get the chance to experience, so I cut this fun auction style game out of my collection.  

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