Thursday, May 16, 2024

Final Purge (8)


After years of owning this game it wasn't getting enough plays to justify keeping it on my shelves. The game was fun but I realized I wasn't thinking about it anymore while choosing games for game night, hence its release from my collection.

Hard one to let go but I just don't have a need for "filler" games anymore. If someone is late we simply start without them. If we finish early we end the night early. Simple as that. I no longer feel the need to squeeze "one more" game in for the night. No matter how simple/fast/fun it is. 

My gaming group hated it. No one wanted to play but me. I loved this game but playing it only once a year to the frowns of everyone around me just wasn't worth it anymore. If I ever get a new group I can always go to Ollie's and pick up a new copy for $8. At least that's nice to know. 

Here we go again. Fun game. Queen Game! But it became a little repetitive over the past few years which is why it departed from my shelves.  

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