Friday, May 24, 2024

Final Purge (14)

 Every time I played this game I liked it less. It's a very popular game with the a lot of folks but as I kept playing it I felt the game is very overrated and I'd rather be spending my time playing other games in my collection. Again, it's a good game but in my mind, not good enough to stay. 

I thought long and hard before releasing this one. It was my nephews favorite game and I kept it at first for that reason.....then I remembered that same nephew hasn't played games with me in over a year now so I was keeping it for no one. 

Fun little money management game that I just couldn't bring to the table more than once a year. By eliminating games like these from my collection, it's my hope I can play others more often. We'll see if this sacrifice makes it so. 

Super hard to let go but I did. For this one and the 2nd game. Trade value was through the roof and I really felt as though I'd gotten everything out of these games over the past few years. They weren't moving up on my list and coming out less and less. 

Ok folks, next week I'm switching topics and taking a little refresher before finishing this topic off. See you later!

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