Wednesday, May 08, 2024

Final Purge (3)


Though a great family game, I have plenty of those as it is, so I traded this one. I waited too late though. It's trade value was through the roof last year but now that the reprint is out, I didn't get as much. Rats! (pun intended)

Wonderful game about building the great wall of China. Great components, easy to teach but wasn't getting to the table but once a year so it had to go. 
Another fun game that was easy to teach and looked great but the games started feeling the same after a while so to make more room on my shelves I said goodbye to this one. Surprisingly this had more trade value than I thought it would too!

I really hate I had to get rid of this simple weight worker placement game based off the same title as its mechanic. It's a great gateway game but just like a lot of these, it only made it to the table once a year and that wasn't enough to safe it from being cut.

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