Monday, May 06, 2024

Final Purge (1)

 Alright! Let's kick things off with the vintage games I let go this go round! It wasn't that many but here's why they had to go!

Great looking game. Too simple to play and took FOREVER to end. I had one in perfect condition and the trade value was too much to say "No".

Even my girls are finding this too easy to play. I knew after our last game together that this game had ended it's run in my collection. 

Spin and move. I've said it before, I would've loved to have played this with my grandmother back in the day. She would've loved it. And the memories of that time together would've kept it in my collection. But that never happened so it was never meant to be. 
This game took FOREVER to set up and was never really worth playing in the end. Our last game lasted half the amount of time to set it up. I knew then, I wasn't playing this game ever again. 

Ok folks, I'll be back with more games I purged tomorrow!

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