Monday, May 20, 2024

Final Purge (10)

 My gaming group bought a copy and the last time I brought the game out they asked if we could play something else because they had a copy of this at home. This games been on and off my top 100 for a while but I knew it wasn't going to hit the table much anymore after that. And if I ever want to play it again, I'll just have them bring it over. 

This was a hard one to let go. But the strategy is the same no matter who I play with. EVERYONE wants a giant stone. They're all obsessed with getting one and when they do? They want another. Nothing else in the game mattered. Either I win big at this game or get smokes because they were able to get the big stone early and take a huge led. So due to that, another Queen Game sadly leaves my collection. 

Beautiful looking game but my strategy was the exact same every time and I KILLED at this game. But on my last playthrough I realized there really wasn't any other way to play the game and each time would be just more of the same, so I made the choice to cut it. 

The reason I let this go is two fold. One is this becomes an individual game quickly, which NO ONE wanting to help others (even though it leads to points) they'd rather suffer and build places on their own. Which is harder and makes the game drag on longer. The game looks awesome but if no one wants to interact with the others than I might as well bring out a deck of solitaire. 

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