Saturday, February 09, 2019


For years I've supported and watched the Dice Tower. They do more board game reviews than any other channel on YouTube. I've met a lot of those involved, including Tom Vassal and they are very nice people who love and support the hobby.

However on Monday I unsubscribed from their channel.

On Monday's Boardgame Breakfast show, Mr Vassal tried to defend his choice of providing more live content instead of pre-recorded.

Let me first clarify, that I have no problem with live content. Live Q&A's and live plays I enjoy. Live "Shows" which the Dice Tower has been doing ever since their editor left, has not been pleasant to watch.

It looks sloppy, mistakes are evident and they tend to go a little too long as well as look slightly unprofessional at the beginning and right before the end.

Several people complained about how Mr Vassal was doing this because it was easier to handle than having to edit video. Being a contributor on YouTube, I agree. But Mr Vassal hit back at critics with the most unbelievable and ridiculous response saying it's harder to do live stuff then edited.

Now as for saying more could go wrong, he's absolutely right. But working harder on live content is a outright lie and everybody knows it.

In his video he stated more work goes into a live event and that power points take longer to put together than editing a video would. These statements as false.

Speaking as someone who puts Powerpoints together for a living it is 100% easier to put together a power point than to edit a video. Editing can take hours of work, where as putting together a power point like the ones in his videos would only take 15 minutes. Heck, I seen people make animated Powerpoints in 15 minutes that look better than the ones he's shown on his live events.

Mr Vassal doubling down on stating that he's working harder to produce live content is an untruth. For that reason, as well as the drop in quality in his videos, I'm no longer watching the Dice Tower.

Why should you care about this? You shouldn't. But this is my Blog and I get to talk about whatever I want to on it so there. : )

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