Monday, February 04, 2019

Not to be mean but..

It's that time of year again where people made their New Years Resolution to "get in shape" only to come into the gym and do NOTHING for an hour but sit on benches or slowly move on the treadmills and bikes.

I'm all for someone who's serious about getting in shape but these folks have no motivation and I see them every year come in, do nothing in the way of exercise, complain they aren't seeing a difference and dropping out by mid-March.

I applaud anyone wanting to make a difference in their health but most of the folks I see at the gym right now, have no desire to change. They just want to feel they're making a difference.

So when all the fun and games of sitting on the exercise bike at the lowest level for 10 minutes wears off, I'll be happy to have my gym back again.

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