Thursday, February 07, 2019

Things I'd love to see before I die

Let's face it, I'll probably die before any of these things happen but I'm still holding out hope for the following:

3) Trips to the Moon

How awesome would it be to take a trip outside the planet earth? I would probably be too old to travel if this ever became a reality but I think it would be so cool. Would I be scared? Oh heck yes! But I still think I'd do it just to see the earth as a whole.

2) Fast Internet

Right now I think; Man, when will I get to say the words, "I remember when the internet was super slow" It was true back in the 90's but in the past 10 years has it really increased that much? No, not at all. I hope one day to see instant internet enter my home.

1) Hover Cars

When I was a kid back in '85 my Dad asked me what he thought the year 2000 would be like and I responded "Hover Cars, we're going to have Hover Cars Dad"

Well, it's been over 30 years since then and we're no where close to having them. Sure you'll hear about a prototype being made but it'll never gone main stream and that's sad. I'm not talking about flying cars, just those that hover over the ground.

But when I'm 80 and they DO make them, I wouldn't mind being known as the first person to die piloting one. Heck, it'll be worth it just to say I did it.

Anything you'd like to see before you die? Let me know!

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