Monday, February 25, 2019

Keys to Losing Weight

Right now I'm wrapping up my final week of my diet to lose weight and I thought I'd share the two most important things everyone should know about losing weight.


Without it, you'll never lose weight. If you really, I mean REALLY, want to lose weight you have to want it bad enough to make sacrifices. Don't feel like doing cardio one day? Too tired? Not enough time? Weather's bad? All those are, are bad excuses you don't need to listen to. Push yourself.

Every cold COLD (I mean COLD) miserable morning I make myself get out of bed and go to the gym. I hate it...until 5 minutes in to my workout and I'm glad I'm there. Believe me, you will to.

It doesn't have to be a gym either. Going outside? Make yourself. Raining? Too hot? Too Cold? Invest in a treadmill. That leaves you with no excuses.

I bought a treadmill once, wore that thing out. Loved it. But now with my gym membership, I don't need it so I didn't get another one to replace it.


You got to have a diet to go with the work you're putting in every day or nothing you do will matter. Believe me. I've lied to myself several times about this and I've been wrong every time. Even this year I tried only drinking water, working out and eating my everyday foods thinking the water would help.

After one full month of drinking nothing but water...I lost 4 pounds. Yeah, if I'd have gone on the diet back in January I wouldn't be where I am today. I was stupid to think only water would make the impact.

When you find a good diet. Stick to it. Whenever I get tired of eating the same rotation of things and some one is having pizza that night, I always ask myself "Do I want pizza or do I want to lose weight?" the decision is simple. Don't try to fool yourself into thinking "Oh this is a special occasion" There's no "good" time to go on a diet. There's always a holiday, birthday party or special occasion to celebrate. Here's my advice....celebrate without eating junk this time and next (holiday, birthday, etc) you can have that whatever everyone else is having.

You'll feel as if you're missing out at the moment, but in the end, you'll be thankful you didn't partake.

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