Tuesday, February 05, 2019

Things I miss in church

There's a few things I miss seeing in my church. Here's a list of those I'd like to share with you today!

Sermon Sheets for Kids

Back in the day, our church had papers for the children to fill in the blank from the pastors sermon. It was a fun way to get kids to listen. I remember having these as a child and we kept waiting for the pastor to say the sentence so we could fill it out. Then, at the bottom, we'd draw a picture of the lesson.

Pretty neat idea. I'd love to see it come back some day.
Trees in the back ground 
When we arrived at our new church last year they had beautiful trees in the back ground, to which the ladies of the church quickly removed in place of ugly boring ferns. Sad because we have a huge bare podium now that has nothing in the back ground but boring walls and carpet.
 TV Screens

Our new church also has TV screens which we use to project hymns from but the actual sermon they go blank, which is sad. Though they are turned on for anyone watching our YouTube channel the congregation in church don't get to see it.

I think this would be great for people with poor eyesight and even kids, as the screens would catch their attention during the service.
 Sunrise Service

Our church used to have one before we moved. It was great. Service at 8am, you're done by 9:30am, take a nap, eat dinner then come back in the evening after another (optional) nap. Really nice. Megan and I miss this the most from our old church. No way they'd ever bring it back since the church we moved into is huge, but I do miss it.

Hymn Request

Back in the day we'd have an evening worship service where anyone could suggest a hymn and we'd sing it together. Now it's already predetermined what gets sung which takes a lot of the fun out of being called on in church to suggest the next song.

That's my "old man" gripe for today, have a good one folks!

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