Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Be positive

A lot of people ask me how I can be so positive. It's a compliment I appreciate hearing but it's really not that hard to do.

In out lives we forget how wonderful we have things. Even if it's not that much compared to others. I don't begrudge anyone of having a "better" life than me. If they make more money in their profession, they deserve every penny of it due to their hard work.

Whoever you are, you have it better than someone else. And whenever you're having a bad day, keep in mind in the grand scheme of things it won't matter in the long run. A day, a week, a month a year? Eventually, you'll forget all about that bad day and move on in your life.

Don't stress. Don't worry. As a Believer I know everything will (and has) turned out for better in the end. Whenever something goes wrong I know it'll be ok.

If you share the same faith as I, you can see how easy it is to remain positive no matter what the situation.

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