Thursday, March 19, 2020

What the news ISN'T telling you about Coronavirus

OK, let's address the elephant in the room. This panic over Coronavirus needs to stop. The news is responsible for starting this panic and it's only getting worse.

First off, it's true if you're elderly or suffer health conditions you are are serious risk. But the same conditions go for the flu and that's what no one is saying.

"I don't want coronavirus because I visit/see my grandparents all the time and I want to protect them" Good. Did you get a flu shot? If not, you're a hypocrite because more people die due to the flu than Coronavirus.

Wanna see some fun facts?

1) To date, over 86,000 people have fully recovered from the corona virus and are in good health. 
2) Once recovered it is impossible to spread the disease.
3) A majority of people who have the virus hardly realize due to most cases being severely light.
4) This strain of coronavirus IS NOT as deadly as previous coronaviruses. It only spreads faster.
5) Currently over 9,000 deaths have been attributed to coronavirus. An estimated 55,000 people died from the flu last year.
6) Right now there are over 203,000 cases of the coronavirus. Last year there were 24 million cases of the flu
7) Coronavirus rocked China? 1 out of every 175,000 people in China were infected. 

So chill out. Wash the nasty of your hands. Stop stockpiling at the grocery stores. Cough into your sleeve or tissue. And stop being stupid.

Have a nice day.

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