Monday, March 23, 2020

Every Picture Tells a story (1)

Thought I'd share some old pics of me from back in the day and tell the story behind them. I recently went through one of my old photo albums and had to laugh!
First one I wanted to share was this pretty rare photo of 4 of the 5 Wilkins boys together. (we didn't pose much for other people but the girl in the photo asked for it so we did.

First off, look at my pants. They're WAY too big for me and the belt looks like it's wrapped around my waist twice. I don't have that problem any more! But the glasses....gez. Can you tell it's the early 2000's when this was taken?

The real mystery is why we're all wearing khakis and not jeans. Really weird. I don't know why that was. Even though you can't tell, I'm pretty sure my brother Jordan (to the first left) is wearing cargo shorts.

See you tomorrow with another one!

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