Tuesday, March 03, 2020

Top 100 Board Games 2020 Predictions (50-41)

 50) Las Vegas

Great dice filler game! It moved down a lot last year because it didn't get played as much as previous years. But I think this yer it's making a comeback and moves back up the list!

 49) Diamond's Club

Unheard of game that I'm so lucky to have found out about. I want to play this game a little more to see what it does in the rankings for 2020. So my prediction is....it stays right around where it was last year.

 48) Crusaders: Thy Will Be Done

Awesome TMG game. Didn't get played as much as I wanted to last year, this year I hope to rectify that. If the game's still good it'll go up, if not, it drops.

 47) Catan

It made a huge drop down in 2018 and it's been in the 40's ever since but if I can get another Catan-athon with my group again this game'll move back up! If not it'll drop out of the Top 50.

 46) Flashpoint: Fire Rescue

The only thing going against this game is it's a Coop which doesn't do well in my gaming group. That being said, this one will drop once again on my list unless things change in my group.

 45) Lancaster

Lovely game that peaked when I played with the max amount of players. Ever since then I've been longing for another game like that but doubt it'll ever come. This game drops out of the Top 50 on the next list.

 44) Ceylon

GREAT game about trading Tea. I think it moves up the list since I'm predicting so many games moving down.

 43) Cleopatra and the Society of Architects

Another good game but it's getting less trips to the table which means its going to drop a few more spots on the list this year.

 42) Darjeeling

Another game that's going up against Ceylon for best "tea" themed game in my collection. At the moment it's winning but in 2020 I'm unsure whether it'll hold off Ceylon in the long run. Yet this game's got legs because we all enjoyed playing it in 2019.

41) Kingsburg

This classic dice placement game will move down a little on my list in 2020 but not by much.

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