Friday, December 31, 2021

Movies I'll see in January

 Let's try something different. Here's movies I'm interest in seeing (or Megan will drag me to the theaters for)

This is Megan's movie series. I watch them once and it's more than enough for the rest of my life to never see again. 

The Legend of La llorona

I didn't think the last one was that good but my nephews loved it, so I'll probably end up watching it when it pops up on streaming. 

It's 50/50 if we go see this in theaters. Megan is mildly interested but super hero movies don't interest her much these days since Chris Evans is no longer Captain America. I could see it either way. It doesn't matter to me. 

We're seeing this for sure. The series has been pretty good so far and whether this is truly the end or not, I'm looking forward to checking it out. 

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