Thursday, December 09, 2021

Alphabet Board Games: Y



For some people, I'm sure the letter "Y" would be hard to choose a game from. But that's only if those poor gamers don't own Yedo. 

I have the kickstarter edition so I traded off my regular version and just play with this. It's incredible to look at. Though I didn't get it to the table as much as I did the year prior, I still love this game and the extra modules that the new version comes with. 

Having the opportunity to collect workers with special powers is an awesome idea. The only thing I wish they wouldn't have changed was on their "Kill the Shogon" card. Now instead of instantly winning the game, you just earn mega points. 

Though it's so hard, winning the game would've been more fair. And though no one's ever pulled it off in any of the games I've been a part of. I'm interested in trying one of these days. 

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