Thursday, March 07, 2019

T-shirts I'm going to buy one day

T-shirts...I have a ton of them. But it doesn't mean I couldn't use a few more. Here's the ones I'd love to get the most!

 #1 super guy! Loved him as a kid. I may ask for this for my birthday this year. HA! HOO! AND A RINKY DINKY DOO!!!
 LOVE the TV series. Already have one shirt I love but could always use another!
 I mean.... c'mon! Who wouldn't want this? It was the dream toy I never got as a kid. But at least I can wear the t-shirt!
 Only because I have a stuffed Ewok by this name....and the fact that I love Ewoks.
I collect DC logo t-shirts and have a lot in my collection but this one may be the last one I get. The Wonder Twins weren't cool but the shirt is so unique I have to add it to my collection!

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