Friday, March 22, 2019

Adult Imagination (1)

Who says Adults don't have imaginations? One of the things I do from time to time when traveling on the highway and have a "race" on the way to my destination. 

I start in the 100 position and on the way there, slowly count my way up to the #1 slot. 

Our Dad used to play this game with us when we were kids all the time. If a diesel truck was carrying to trailers, that counted as two. And if we ever passed a flatbed trailer hauling other cars...oh man, that was the mother load!
As a kid (even when Dad wasn't playing with us) I would play the game in my head and now as an adult, every so often, I do it. 
Have you ever thought about playing out a race on the highway before while on a long trip? If so, let me know and have a great weekend!

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