Friday, March 29, 2019

April Movie Preview

Ready for this? Let's do it .

 Megan wants to see this and after this movie she said she may be done with Marvel movies altogether. I can't wait for that day to come! To be honest, I didn't mind the first one, just had a terrible ending. This one should be good but afterwards....I'll be watching these from home I think.

 I LOVED the first two movies. I LOVE the comic series. And everytime I see more about this new look more horrible than the last trailer! I now have ZERO interest in seeing this either in theaters or for rent. Hard pass on this one.

 I'm not much for remakes but this one doesn't look bad. And the fact that "It" did pretty well I'm willing to give this one a try.

 I can't believe there's a DC movie out there I want to see. Megan is the one who doesn't...but she loves any excuse to eat movie popcorn so she's in. I really hope this is as good as the trailers are.

Yep, this is a thing. I had to look it up to make sure it wasn't fake. I guess they're trying to jump on the popularity of the LEGO movies without the talent or recognizable toy line. I mean, are these toys even made anymore!? We played with them back in the day but I don't think folks know much about these toys. Especially enough to buy a ticket to see this movie!

I watched the trailer, rolled my eyes in disgust and then chuckled at the end at that is probably the only funny seen in the movie. Whether this is being released in theaters or not, I'm passing either way.

Anything I missed? Let me know in the comments below!

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