Friday, January 29, 2016

Madri Gras season

Mardi Gras season is upon and (if you don't already) be glad you don't live in Louisiana.

Here's a little secret. I hate Mardi Gras.

Nope. Never liked it to begin with. I'm from Mississippi so growing up we never celebrated it unless I was at my Grandparents on those rare occasions in Mobile when they took us to the parade.

Fun Fact: Mardi Gras started in Mobile AL

But I hate King Cake, think the colors are ugly and the "tradition" of watching a parade just to catch some cheap plastic beads is not appealing to me in the least. But you should see the bozo's down here who practically run over children just to grab a free trinket.

Megan loves the holiday so we go to the parade. I usually sit there, freeze and throw any beads back that I catch. Every year it gets more and more crowded in Monroe, I can only imagine the terror that happens in New Orleans this time as well.

I'm begging St Patty's Day comes early this year!

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