Monday, February 01, 2016

Best Arnold Movies

This week I thought I'd give me Top 5 favorite movies from some of my favorite actors starting with the former Governator himself! Here goes:

5) Kindergarten Cop

Arnold had it going for him on both sides of the action and comedy realm. His endless movie quotes lasted decades among our friends and some are probably still with you today! Kindergarten Cop is a good example of this. "It's not a tumor" and "Thanks for the tip" are still quoted among my brothers today!

4) Last Action Hero

Good gravy I love everything about this movie. It's smart, it's funny and Arnold really looked his best in the 90's in my opinion. If you haven't watched it lately, you should. Since it was a farce from the beginning it still holds up today! And the magic movie ticket is still Cinema GOLD!!

3) True Lies

Great film from start to finish, no question about it. It had heart, it had action, it had you thinking Jamie Lee Curtis was the hottest chick in Hollywood with that dance scene. By the way, when googling images for blog posts, be prepared to explain to your wife why racy images of the Scream Queen show up.

2) Terminator 2

I don't even think I have to explain this one. Perfect in every way it's a movie that will never get old for me. The moons aligned for this sequel and as I've said in earlier post, from the non-stop action to the music video by GNR this movie HAS IT ALL!

1) Predator

But my #1 has to be with this one. Arnold is ripped, guns are mowing down a forest, punch lines are abundant and the supporting cast is nothing but perfect. I love everything about this film and it's also why I love these movies more than the Alien franchise!

What are your Top 5 Arnold movies? Did I miss any that weren't on your list?


Anonymous said...

I actually don't think "Last Action Hero" is that good. Meh. I do like the beginning when he's quoting Shakespeare though. Classic.

The Terminator is definitely on my list (#3). There would be no T2 without the original. Speaking of T2, it would be #1 for me, and it wouldn't be close.

I would also have True Lies(#2), and probably Kindergarten Cop (#4 - "I'm the party pooper. Days...nights...weekends...holidays. I'm going to hang out with you, until the end of time"). Twins would most likely round out my Top 5. It's terrific. I reeeeeeeaaaallllly want Predator on there, but it just barely misses out.

Other Honorable mentions: Running Man and Commando. Both are cheesy, both are outstanding. I also liked Eraser a lot.


kidcardco said...

Eraser was good but I agree, not good enough for the Top 5. Twins too. But it's been a while since I've seen it so maybe I should watch it again. Out of all the movies you mentioned I remember that movie the least.