Friday, February 05, 2016

Best Jim Carrey movies

Jim Carrey USED to be good. And today I'm going to remind you why.

5) Dumb and Dumber

Out of all the man's comedies, this one reigns supreme. I still laugh seeing it today (and cry when I think about the sequel) It doesn't hurt to have the perfect wingman Jeff Daniels either! The 2 of these together was comedy gold! (emphasis on "was")

4) The Truman Show

Such a smart idea for a movie and Jim Carrey's acting just made it that much better. Carry's cliche humor went out the door for this movie and a whole new adorable one took it's place. Showing the world he wasn't so one-sided when it came to taking on different roles.

3) Man on the Moon

Carrey never wanted a role worse than he did this one and it paid off too. This movie pulls us into the insane world of the late comedian Andy Kauffman, whom Carrey's perfect portrayal of, really set the tone. Right down to the facial features, this comedian played ANOTHER comedian unbelievably well! Andy would be proud.

2) The Grinch

I saw this movie when it came out in 2000 in the theater, bought it the next year and have watched it every Xmas since then. I thought about stopping the "tradition" a few years back but Megan and Charity won't let me and I'm glad. This flick still gets me laughing every time!

1) Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Words cannot describe how good this movie truly is. Carrey with Winslet is the perfect match and it's got to be his best performance ever. An incredible movie that Carrey should be thanking his agent for, till the day he dies. This is THE movie to see with the one you love.

Well? Questions? Comments? Anyone want to get up and dance?


Anonymous said...

Shocked to see you have a good film as #1! I never would have expected you to even LIKE Eternal Sunshine.

Mine are pretty different:

1.Dumb and Dumber - can't be anything else. classic.
2.The Truman Show - Fantastic
3.Liar Liar - At the height of his powers, cranking out classics
4.Bruce Almighty - I thought I was going to pass out from laughing so hard when he gets Steve Carrell to go bonkers on the newscast
5.Ace Ventura: Pet Detective - so whacked out, and so brilliantly stupid/funny

Honorable Mention:
The Mask
Eternal Sunshine (Winslet outshines him, I think he overdoes it just a bit)


kidcardco said...

Wow! Sunshine doesn't even crack your Top 5? Shocker! His comedies are good, it's just I never expected such a quality film like Sunshine that it easily rises to #1 in my mind.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to have to agree with Josh on this one. All of the movies he listed are ones I would've put as top 5 (maybe in a different order) and I would've swapped Bruce almighty to honorable mention and move the Mask to top 5.
