Monday, January 22, 2024

Why do I purge board games?


So why am I purging games so much since last year? 

1) It's true when I say I want to play my games more but having more game nights is impossible, so the only other solution is to trim down my collection. This is my favorite hobby but when things begin to feel like a chore I need to change things up. 

Trying to get every game to the table was a nightmare for me at times because I truly feel I wasted my money on a game that doesn't get played. So hopefully cutting more games from the collection will let me enjoy the ones remaining all the more. 

2) My gaming group is dying. I've said this before but 2024 marks the last full year I'm guaranteed to have a gaming grou at all. After 2 of my friends move away in the spring of 2025 I won't have anyone else to play games with. 

I try not to think about it too much because it bums me out. And yes, things could change and I could find other to replace them. I've been lucky to keep a gaming group for as long as I have in the first place. But the girls will be 6 by the time my group eventually dies and though they'll be able to play vintage games with me at that age, it'll take a lot longer before they start playing anything heavy with me. 

So the more I cut the less I have to worry about having this huge collection sit and gather dust. 

Sure I have one more couple who occasionally drop by but they're super annoying at times and I'd rather do without them if I could. 

However, beggers can't be choosers and if push comes to shove I'll move them up to more frequent game nights that I reguarly have. But even then, I don't think I'd like to hang out with them that much. 

Either way, purging games now will help me focus in on better games in my collection and less shelf space to worry about. 

Currently (even with all the cuts I've made) my collection still doesn't fit on the huge kallax shelves I've bought for it. My goal (eventually) would be to have my entire colleciton sitting within those selves. At the moment, I'm still using up 3 levels on another shelf to contain them all, so I've got quite a ways to go in 2024. But hopefully by the end of this year, it'll more managable by then. 

To think, a year ago I almost bought ANOTHER kallax shelf when I visited Dallas but it sold out before I arrived and I ended up not getting it. I'm thankful for that now because it looks like I won't be needing it after all!

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